CaseyJones: Are you a "Baby Boomer?"
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More Details:
About Me:
Please understand that I am a diehard vegetarian and drink nutrient dense organic green smoothies every day! I no longer consume alcohol and refuse to eat toxic conventional foods from all the mundane run of the mill bars, restaurants and grocery stores. My general health is remarkably impressive because I've become to the conclusion that I am ultrasensitive to sugarcane, artificial sweeteners, canola oils, soy and all the toxic chemicals found in everything containing pesticides and herbicides. I have discovered the hard way that consuming conventional cuisine comes with an unpleasant array of detrimental side effects including devastating longterm health issues.
My Ideal Match:
I am solely attracted to the "BABY BOOMER ERA" and interested in meeting an older gorgeous woman with a huge heart who immensely appreciates reminiscing all the finer things in life that so many of the young people today consider passé.