At work.  This yard was an absolute b*tch.   The entire thing was covered in English ivy.  It took me a week to pull all that shit out.   Two weeks after this picture I got a nasty infection in my thumb, that tried its best to kill me.
Yes that is a bible that I'm burning.
Me and my best friend.  I miss him beyond words.  He was one of kind and truly profound and transcendant
member offline Alldogsgotoheaven
44, Olympia

member offline Alldogsgotoheaven: Speeding with the brakes on

44 year old Man, 5'7" (170 cm)
Woman, for Casual Dating / No Commitment
Body Type:
Free Thinker
Some College/University
Smokes Sometimes, Non-Drinker, Drugs Sometimes
At work.  This yard was an absolute b*tch.   The entire thing was covered in English ivy.  It took me a week to pull all that shit out.   Two weeks after this picture I got a nasty infection in my thumb, that tried its best to kill me.Yes that is a bible that I'm burning.Me and my best friend.  I miss him beyond words.  He was one of kind and truly profound and transcendant
Match Summary:

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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 8 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
5+ Times Per Week
Has Children?
Prefer not to say
Want Children?
Has Pets?
No Pets
Has Car?
Political Views:
I Dont Follow Politics
Postal Zip Code Area:
98506, WA

About Me:

I do what I want to do, Whenever I want to do it. I prefer to learn the hard way don't like being told what to do. I'm a kind, helpful person, that can be a an a**hole when the situation calls for it. I don't like loud obnoxious people, and cannot tolerate bullying, or demeaning behavior towards myself or others. Relationships and friendships are built on trust and respect. When those two values get compromised things fall apart rapidly. I'm shy at first but as I get know people I open up and let people in. I've been burned badly by people I was supposed to trust. I've seen the worst in humanity but also the best. I've lived in the gutter and found friends that I love to this day. People who owed me nothing gave me what they could and took me in for no other reason than they thought it was the right thing to do. I try to pay back their kindness whenever an opportunity presents itself. As far as intimacy or sex is concerned, I'm down. That is a private matter between myself and my partner. All I will say to that is that if both don't have fun then something is wrong. Feeling good is the point after all. As long as there isn't piss, shit, or pain I'm down with whatever.

My Ideal Match:

I don't want a b*tch. I want a co-defendant, partner in crime, I want someone who is fun, open to trying new things, kind, and patient. Someone smart enough to understand that life is short and it's better to spend the little time we have doing shit we want to do instead of what we are told to do. Do what the f*ck you want, f*ck who you want to f*ck, because you never know when it's gonna end. Someone famous said its better to burn out than fade away.