EuroUSD: Simple guy looking for a down-to-earth girl to chat with
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More Details:
About Me:
Pretty generic, I know. Just keeping it simple.
As for personality, I'd probably label myself as easy going. Though I think you can really only judge someone's character after you've met and been around them for a while.
My taste in music, movies, sports and all that stuff is pretty dynamic... I mean, obviously there are things I can't stand. But nothing specific I can think of right now.
My Ideal Match:
I think I would connect well with someone who has conservative values; maybe with a religious background?
And when I say conservative I actually mean centered between liberal and conservative. It's just these days there doesn't really seem to be any center, so I feel leaning to the conservative side reflects my overall bias on things and would get along well with anyone else who feels the same.