member offline Bryn

member offline Bryn: Trans Queen Extraordinnaire Amarillo,TX

66 year old Man, 6'0" (183 cm)
Man, for Casual Dating / No Commitment
Body Type:
Some Extra Pounds
Night Owl
ESL/EFL Teacher (retired)
Associates Degree
Christian: Other Denomination or Non-Denominational
Regular Smoker, Drinks Sometimes, Drugs Regularly
Match Summary:

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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Mixed Color
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 5 years
Second Language:
My Exercise Habits:
I Don't Exercise Often
Has Children?
Want Children?
Has Pets?
Has Car?
Political Views:
I Dont Follow Politics
Postal Zip Code Area:
79107, TX

About Me:

While I did say so for most of my life, at least verbally, I am not a gay man. I am a heterosexual woman who happened to be born with the wrong reproductive organs. In my heart, I always knew who I really am, but it took me a lifetime to work through all the BS to finally, really accept myself, and as a result, I suffer from PTSD from a lifetime of abuse; I have a hard time trusting people, but I believe there are people out there who can be trusted, and as I told a recent narcissistic ex who believes the opposite, I refuse to live in a world where nobody can be trusted.
Due to early sexual trauma, I didn't undrstand the purpose of sex. I was obsessed with it, and I certainly engaged in a lot of it, but I didn't enjoy it. So, I took a 14-year voluntary hiatus from sex until almost a year after accepting and living in my trans woman identity, and surprisingly enough, I'm having the time of my life!
Now, I'll talk about it in detail in the next section "Who and What are you Looking For", but I don't want my last statement about enjoying sex to get a lot of old men all excited. I prefer younger, fitter men. At the very least,younger and fit looking and acting. I have seen a few/[/f], VERY few men in their 50s who fit that bill,and so far no one in their 60s.
As far as my interests, I have a newfound love of fashion and makeup. I hope to get work done for feminization, especially having my vocal chords shortened, but I was blessed with good genes and have always looked younger and more feminine than not. I love to read, mostly fantasy and sciene fiction, I'm slowly regaining an interest in movies and TV shows, and I enjoy socializing as long as I can leave whenwver I hear the comfort of home calling, because tht's my safe place.
I like crafts, dogs, and am a decent cook (if, that is, you like VERY spicy food, and hate sports, tough you're free to enjoy them alone or with friends.
Lasltly, I have always been polyamorous, though recent evidence has shown that may not always be the case. So far I am interested in maintaining more than one committed relationship at a time. I'm somewhat demi-sexual, which means I need to meet you and find out if there's any spark between us before we candiscuss sex, butonce I fall for someone, I'm comitted to the relationship,even if I also meet someone else who I feel the same about.
I--and this is important--DO NOT DO PHONE SEX OR CHAT[/B] Period. End of story. I also [b[DO NOT SEND NUDES of myself. if you want to see the goods, you'll have to do so in person.
And finally, I am not a rich retiree for those looking for a sugar moma. I have anextremely small fixed income, and alot of unfixed and always increasing expenses,so no, I will not send you money or pay your rent. I have paid for sex, for convenience, not out of need or despertion, and I'llprobably do so again, one never knows, but I have a perfectly fine, fit 30-year old man living with me now with whom I am not "with", but who does still classify as a friend with benefits should we find ourselves in the mood.

My Ideal Match:

Firstly and most importantly, younger and fit. I'm currently a little obsessed with latinos, and have been working on my Spanish as a necessary result. Don't expect fluency, but at least I'm putting in the effort.
Short, masculine men in the 5'2" to 5'6" range is a majior plus.
I like men who don't feel the need to shave their chest hair, though my type is more "otter" and less "bear"
I love some facial scruff, but the jury's still out on full beards. I'm leaning towards no, on that
I'm not averse to casual relationships, but I do tend to fall for the men I have relationships with, so long term in some form is definitely always in the back of my mind.I have never--and will never--have sex with a woman, but I have been in 3 ways where another woman (trans and/or natural) was also involved. I had a good time, but did not engage sexually with the woman. In the last one I was in, I found it extremely hot watching her engage him orally. if I get invovled with a man already in a relationship with a woman, I prefer she knows he's sometimes with someone else. I dislike being "the other woman" I tend not to be the jealous type, and if I meet your wife/girlfriend, I will be genuinely friendly, or at the very least polite, unless she decides to be a b*tch, then all bets are off. I don't suffer fools lightly,especially some woman who tinks she's better than me because of an accident of birth. There are certainly people in this world who qualify as better than me, but not because they have a body part that I doin't (yet) have.
In my previous life, I was pretty vanilla, and I'm interested in trying new things

Mail Requirements:

This user has the following criteria that must be met before accepting messages from users:
   Sender must be Male.
   Sender must be from the following country: United States.
   Sender must be older than 18 years old and younger than 53 years old.
   Sender must be located within 100 miles of this user.