daddy1bears: Who wants to hangout?
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Let's Hang Out today!
More Details:
About Me:
I love to collect coins. Also, I'm pretty into crypto
Talk about your goals, aspirations, and future plans
Currently, I am working on getting my business up off the ground again.
Talk about yourself, your personality, and what makes you unique
I'm a very kind hearted guy who gets effed over a lot but there are also a lot who don't. People ask all the time why I keep being so cool. My response is that I have met some amazing people along the way and wouldn't change that no matter how many people eff me over- i met you didn't I?
Talk about your taste in music, movies, sports, games and tv shows
I like all types of music.. Yes even country, opera, and classical among others. I watch and play football and baseball, but don't watch much TV. Also, I hate playing games. I don't play games. I hope there is a special place in hell for those who do play with other people.
List anything else specifically that you enjoy or that is important to you. Potential dates can search for specific keywords (such as the name of a hobby, tv show, location, personality type, games, etc.) can find your profile if the keyword is listed in your description!
Good people, puppies, POTHEAD, homebody, netflix and chill