HenrySmith: Kitsap County - SWPM, You Know The Rest

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About Me:
SWPM, work for myself, semi-retired, independent and strive to become more independent in all areas. From the east coast. Introvert, but can usually deal with people. Not that I have a phobia of people, they just are vapid, lazy, and annoying in usually all cases. I don't do "small talk" well. I discuss deep encounters, thoughts, and ideas and love to hear other's opinion even when I don't agree or know much about them. I live and love deeply and to the fullest extent each day. I also take care of stay cats behind my office and love to help people where I can, as I try to be the change I want to see in the world. I'm a fierce friend, and formidable enemy. I fall asleep to science documentaries, and don't consume TV or movies or MSM "news" as it's all propaganda. I don't do right or left politics. I do up or down which is integrity vs ideological/tribalism/rigidity/woke. Science isn't to be "trusted" or agreed on. It is never a consensus. It is to be tested and checked and rechecked by all who seek knowledge and refined and always tested - no exceptions or it's not science. It fears no light or scrutiny.
Thanks for looking!