Deelicious_: Here I am !!

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About Me:
If you are for real, live close and would like to take a chance one ,please let' I pray I find this partner soon. Please feel free to out for ourselves what we think and want. Time is valuable, and I spending it with you.
I'm funny ,love toake.people smile and will do anything to support,love and show affection to the people I love and love me back. I believe my partner would make me a better me, and that I could and would do the same for my partner.
I text you soon , I've been waiting all
For a chance at finding true love and happiness. Please be truthful and honest, and I will do the same. You have to start somewhere, so let's start right here and now , and be happy in life. No better time than now to find out if we are meant for each other. Hope to text you.soon♥️
My Ideal Match:
A true ,honest and committed friend for life , and a lover and partner to share life adventure ,ups and downs ,and grow and be strong . A true and honest relationship to last throughout the years