Looking for that special some one,  traveling the miles for you, hope your worth it!
member offline Rudster1
61, Johnson City

member offline Rudster1: Always open for suggestions

61 year old Man, 5'11" (180 cm)
Man, for Casual Dating / No Commitment
Body Type:
Free Thinker
Some College/University
Christian: Catholic
Regular Smoker, Drinks Sometimes, No Drugs
Looking for that special some one,  traveling the miles for you, hope your worth it!
Looking for that special some one,  traveling the miles for you, hope your worth it!
Looking for that special some one, traveling the miles for you, hope your worth it!
Match Summary:

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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
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Longest Relationship:
Over 10 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
5+ Times Per Week
Has Children?
Want Children?
Prefer not to say
Has Pets?
Has Car?
Political Views:
Postal Zip Code Area:
13790, NY

About Me:

Hello ladies! So basically I'm a separated 60 year old male, of good health, with a little bit of a darker sense of humor, but otherwise an average fellow! I've always been interested in mature woman, as you've been to the circus and seen the puppet shows, and usually have a pretty good idea who you are and what you want, preferably with no games, life's to short and I'm to old for any faulderoll. I really love brunette/ black haired girls, as I've always found them extremely attractive, and usually of developed character. So, I'm seeking a average or above, preferably blue eyed brunette lady, 55 to 65 plus attractive 5 ft 9 in beautiful tall. Hey, curly black hair would be nice, why not, since it's EXTREMELY unlikely any lonely women that fit my description is going to see, or let alone answer this, then again, you never know, perhaps I may get lucky???? Well, for the right lady, I'd do just about anything, as I don't feel you can put a price on love or romance. Moving forward, such said woman, should possess a healthy sexual dynamic, open to most forms of foreplay and stimulation! Hey, it's not about how much cash a man has or how big, in varying regards, he is, but rather I feel, HOW he treats a lady, and I believe I do. At least that's my foolishly romantic notion anyways. So, good food ( emphasis on fried chicken) good company, I enjoy it all when possible. Is that asking too much? Is everything I described just a past middle life pipedream? Dam, I hope not, cause if so, it's going to be a rough ride thru my beginning 60 s!!!!!

My Ideal Match:

Hello! So, I'm a 60 years old separated fellow , but still provide transportation for x , for medical appointments and grocery pick up. I work evenings as a fill in supervisor/cleaning expediter. I enjoy a little partying, like tequila, but vodkas a potential back up plan. I keep my hair cut short, crew cut style, as it looks more professional, and is easy to take care of. Also enjoy good conversation and social/political/debate and conversation. Always been interested in getting a pilots license for small aircraft, but seems for now I may have to settle for an ultra light.just a thought. I'm seeking an average or above average looking woman , mature woman , 64 plus, preferably brunette , but red head ok too, as I find both attractive . Never really cared for blonds, I think there just naturally too tempomental. Average or plus size ok. Said woman should be single, or divorced, have her own residence, apartments ok. And be seeking to have a healthy relationship with hugs, snuggles and erotic passionate encounters. As for my fantasy girl, she'd have long black hair, curly cute, about a 5ft 9 in beautiful tall, healthy and curvaceous, throw in blue eyes, man she'd have it all. Any potentials out there , I'm beginning to doubt, but I'll search till I find her, or I'll go with out.

Interests / Keywords:

Mail Requirements:

This user has the following criteria that must be met before accepting messages from users:
   Sender must be Female.
   Sender must be older than 55 years old and younger than 65 years old.
   Sender must be located within 75 miles of this user.

My Dating Discussions & Site Activity:

1 Forum Posts
  • Rudster1 Dating Profile
    Rudster1 Johnson City, New York, USA
    May 3, 2024 12:51 PM GMT
    Dating Over 50 stinks.....LOL

    Raised Eyebrow smilie emoji/emoticon smiley this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?

    . Look, I just turned 60, feel like I'm 50, look about 40. Have been with 2 women, at the same time , one for 16 years, and the other for 6. The 2 nd one knew about the 1 st, and she was married. Often, an affair will save a relationship or marriage.
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