His AND hers, but no Girl
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member offline SlowPokke
36, Carlislefrostproof

member offline SlowPokke: Don'tWaitForAnotherOpportunity4Love

36 year old Man, 6'0" (183 cm)
Woman, for Boyfriend / Girlfriend
Body Type:
Hopeless Romantic
Carlislefrostproof, Florida, United States
Tooling Degner
Bachelors Degree
Christian: Other Denomination or Non-Denominational
Smokes Sometimes, Drinks Sometimes, Drugs Sometimes
TheTeamHis AND hers, but no GirlRide this too
Match Summary:

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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Mixed Color
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 20 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
5+ Times Per Week
Has Children?
Yes - All over 18 years old
Want Children?
Has Pets?
Has Car?
Political Views:
I Dont Follow Politics
Postal Zip Code Area:
33843, FL

About Me:

Hello Girls, im the One you can take home to MaMa with confidence who is just passing through , knowing theres a SoulMate out there who somewhat mirrors me, but with her special uniqueness too and having already made the mistakes men just "do", and learned, i bring to the table, "Wisdom".
I am retired early and have lots of time to share with you. In a crowd, i am the quiet one...just observing, but i engage when time is right. I take things in, study them all, avoid the braggarts, and can feel when its time to say something rather than " talk". Im honest in things i say, so i try to be cautious about who i talk to....I like who i am although was never popular with male co-workers because i didnt tslk about my private life and my work ethic was intimidating.
I am modeled after an early 20th Century Gentleman , blended with a Fun-loving, "lived through the 70's and 80's Guy" thats got the vocabulary to take his Darling's heart with the Romantic "feel" you may have always been curious to hear. Having said that, i mean, i have a Commanding side that takes over when...and only when...the time is right. My barritone suddenly commands attention as i take charge and shut down the bragging and Lean towards pets, eBikes, etc. My favorite subject is the " beauty" of the Woman...both inside and out....her heart
At night, i stay up and write short Love Stories. Theyre Sexy and suggestive but not obvious ,at first, to the Reader....using words ive never known or spoken! They come from "I dont know where" but my daughter wants to send them to a Publisher. They come across better if i read them, using the same energy in voice that was once a thought. Theyare Fantasies never lived. I am always main character, with a Female co-Star and God, the Creator, who blesses them when those internal emotions heat up and they....well, they just want God to bless this first time
their bodies intertwine and become One!
While getting to know each other, i will read my writings to you as well as talk about the energy and desire to be yours under the covers so dont play that you didnt know i am a Teenager inside in some special moments; hours, these. Its all about pleasuring you, so look forward to "living"! No talk about the past..."well, we alway did this and we always did that"
No Ma'am, this about exciting and NEW memories we create as we innocently learn each other.
"Those Afternoon Delights"

My Ideal Match:

I picture myself stepping out of a Fantasy to find the Woman i had written of, citing her love for nature and desires for attention and insists her femininity is exploited and ravaged, as written by the Apostle Paul in the Bible. She must be the key in this puzzle...this Mosaic of Creation...her friendship neccesary for the man to thrive.
She should know when be
needs to be lifted, held high, as they compliment each others "Being"....a Team...Besties..even Lover , maybe. I miss romancing but ready to put it out there as i write about it in my stories. . I love sexy, flirty talk...but with purpose,
So different are we as Humans, male and female, when blended thoroughly, the mix is smooth and pours like cream but if there are lumps like lies and power-struggles, it wont work.
So, in a nutshell, aRomantic, Classy, Carhardt-wearing, Daring, sometimes Lazy, sometimes Suducing, Patient and Honest Lady would suit me just fine!
I am unique in many ways and id like to share with you.
Applications to win my heart are available online or just respond here.
C'mon! Lets give them something to talk about. Do you have what it'll take to add the finishing Touch? Will you ensure all your needs are satisfied between us? Will you encouage me continuously that we walk away from an arguement? Will you be a partner in decisions but acknowedge that i am "The Man of the House"...Biblically speaking?
Are you here Princess?
Will I fit?


Mail Requirements:

This user has the following criteria that must be met before accepting messages from users:
   Sender must be Female.
   Sender must be from the following country: United States.
   Sender must be older than 21 years old and younger than 65 years old.

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