Lubricious55: Retired = Playtime, Seeking Playmate Maybe more?
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More Details:
About Me:
I need to find THE woman whose heart and soul I am supposed to share and protect. It's in a man's DNA to do so. I believe in God and am much guided by His word and direction.
I am conservative, a prior service U.S. Marine, I was raised on common sense, morals, Judeo-Christian values and forced to go to Catechism on Saturdays. Never got the hang of being chased by penguins with rulers. And yes, it is TRUE! (ONCE A MARINE, ALWAYS A MARINE!), now more than ever in this crazy country!
I may not like or appreciate your opinions, views and attitudes on many things, however, would rather die defending a person's rights than to allow them to be infringed upon or abused, but once their rights enter into MY space. Your a** is MINE!
DISTANCE? I could care less. We have trains, planes and automobiles and a massive multi trillion-dollar transportation system. If you are THAT concerned about getting up and traveling to meet who could end up being your man or I traveling to you to meet you for the first time or two, then perhaps you should just go post your profile at the local laundromat instead of a single's website on THE WORLD WIDE WEB with it's overall SEARCH capabilities?
My Ideal Match:
Best to describe what I am NOT looking for! NO CATS, TATTS or PSYCHO RATS! If you are Bi-Polar, or have any other mental issues, then BYE! I am NOT into psycho-fads, tattoos, obnoxious piercings, (If you have a ring in your nose that entices me to hitch the truck up to it with a log chain and pull.) outrageous liberal-think or sharing OUR personal life and business OUTSIDE OF YOU AND ME. In other words, if you can't keep OUR private life PRIVATE, you don't need to bother coming near me.
Be forewarned, Antifa, BLM, feminists, this tranny crap, or claiming to be a cat or a plant, WTF? this Pro Palestinian crap, ANOTHER WTF? and ABUSING your 1st amendment rights to PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE? Which are ALL anti-American and are therefore a HUGE problem in this country and opposed to my specific training and character. I spent 12 years on the Texas border preventing many illegals from getting into our country and will do what I can in my power to continue that stance. You come in LEGALLY or not at all! And you and I are going to have MAJOR problems!
As for 420 friendly? THAT is on YOU, I grew up around that stuff. HOWEVER, I have certain INALIENABLE RIGHTS that you MUST respect or just don't bother coming around me.
Other than all of that? If you are a woman of backbone and substance that has the drive and determination to form a relationship with ONE MAN and literally dedicate your life to me, I will do the same with you. We will fight to form a bond as one, together with the love in God's eyes and dedicate ourselves to each other so that no outsiders will ever destroy us. From there on out, OUR future together belongs to US and US alone!
As for family? I have a large family and it's just as messed up as anyone else's', but it's my family and I love them to death. Come join the "FAMILY FUN"! Bring yours into the mix! (LAUGHING OUT LOUD IN A ROAR!) Seriously, let's meet, decide to move forward together and plot out our existence and entertainment together.
sometimes I just can't help myself so I do. Usually works just fine.
Go ahead and make the first move. I can assure you that neither one of us will regret it. Gregory