SuperBUDD: BadBoy/Good Guy
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More Details:
About Me:
I was an athlete most of my life going from one gym to another. One of those was the dojo, where i grappled daily for decades. Thus becoming a judo/jui-jitsu instructor. While the factors of age and adult life have finally made me succumb to the fact I no longer can spend 3 hours a day on the matts any longer.
As far as hobbies go, I love shooting pool/billiards and is if and when I go out normally It is where a pool table is at.
Reading books is not just a hobby for me, but a necessity, because once you stop taking in new information of any kind your brain becomes stagnant.
With regards to anything else just ask.
My personality if you have actually resd thus far, I am very sarcastic, and extremely funny!! I can guarantee you that any time spent with me, I will ja e you not just smiling but out right giggling much of the time!!
So, if you have came this far in my profile than you must be interested to some degree. So don't come this far to now not write me a message saying hello.
I appreciate you taking the time checking me out, and I wish you the greatest endeavors in your search, Sincerely... ME
My Ideal Match:
But I am a realist and would love to find any one true person. A non liar, one to care about them themselves as well as others.
I care not about your past, as well all have one. So there is absolutely nothing possible you may tell me that would affect my decision.