Londoner73: Married without intimacy
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However, four years ago, she informed me that she no longer desired intimacy due to a medical issue. I believe the problem could have been solved with a simple surgical procedure, but she expressed a complete loss of interest in physical intimacy. Naturally, I was devastated by this news, but I have chosen to accept and adapt to the situation as best I can. Our relationship is still amicable, and we get along reasonably well. However, the prospect of never experiencing intimacy again doesn't sit right with me. Some might suggest getting a divorce, but I've been through that before and have no intention of going through it again.
What I am seeking is someone who understands my situation and is willing to engage in a discreet relationship. Age is not a problem just be understanding of the situation. If you disagree with what I'm expressing, please refrain from commenting and move on to the next post. I'm not here to be judged; all I seek is a connection with someone who shares similar desires for occasional intimacy and discretion.