Tomster0628: Seeking my special lady

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About Me:
I want to treat you well. I am a gentleman and when I find my lady, you will know I want you because I will treat you right and you will know you are numero uno in my life. I do not cheat and have never cheated a committed relationship before and have no plans to start.
I’m a happy, go-lucky man. I enjoy to smile and laugh and would like a lady who does too. I’m serious when I need to be serious but often in a good mood.
My Ideal Match:
-beautiful - hold up! My kind of beauty I seek is much more than the allure of the eye. I also seek intelligence, a good attitude, that flicker in your eyes when you look into mine. I prefer a lady of faith in God. And, let me be a little selfish here: a lady who loves to cuddle. Yes, I enjoy kisses and hugs and other fun.
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be younger than 62 years old.
Sender must be located within 75 miles of this user.