Cernenus0320: H-D's, Freaky Woman and Men, with a side of strange

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About Me:
their paycheck, and to pat themselves on the back for their accomplishments, that are actually the result of the typing us smuck's do.
I dislike muttering on about shit nobody gaf about. My goal are to get thru the day alive and without the use of force against some fukjack
that wasn't privy to the basic rules of respect and courtesy. That's why I date Young adults, so that my life's experience helps guide them into
their next relationship. I am dating and helping these Younger adults become more aware of the minutia that is often overlooked, and gives them a better
insight to the more long term paths to follow. So by the time they reached their shelf life with me,they are more prepared to be better prepared mentally
for the next boyfriend/girlfriend they encounter.
My Ideal Match:
to ride on the back of a H-D motorcycle, or ride next me.. I work a lot So fun will come in doses. I Love The Grateful Dead and they are a big part of my life.
When the tour rolls around,I go to SPAC and my friends that are part of the tour bring me backstage for the show. I like to party and by that I mean to stay up and
relax thru the night with the comforts of my hippy themed bedroom. Sex is a vital function and I am relatively open and not hung up on societal
stigmas. When I am rolliin, I burn White hot and other times I just relax and get my wind. It can be a circus sometimes, but rarely am I bored. Women I like to
be independent and drama free. Sex and uninhibited free expression is the way. 3somes ,4somes are in play and if Your not bi than it could be a problem. Guys cut and smooth.
I am not attracted to obese or way overweight people. I love them as the people they are, but not sexually. I am all about respect, if You don't have or don't show respect, You
will be banished or put to sleep.I have Little room for effing that up. Loyalty and Respect above all else
Interests / Keywords:
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