when i was 22
member offline Ameriwannica
39, Sigourney

member offline Ameriwannica: Seeking brown eyed chess playin woman

39 year old Man, 5'8" (173 cm)
Woman, for Long Term Relationship
Body Type:
Hopeless Romantic
Some College/University
Christian: Other Denomination or Non-Denominational
Smokes Sometimes, Drinks Regularly, No Drugs
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More Details:

Martial Status:
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Longest Relationship:
Over 2 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
1-2 Times Per Week
Has Children?
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Has Pets?
No Pets
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Political Views:
Postal Zip Code Area:
52591, IA

About Me:

I am a musician and play for God if you cant handle move tf on satan... and keep ur damned logging careers to yourself i dont care dude...judge someone else yo

You women are fuckin nuts

You ever get drunk you fuckers? I get drunk because women are fuckin insane and killed my first born...there how tf you feel now f*ck you if you dont like it I stood and still stand for my family and its my child not fucking her..

I want a woman who WANTS TO BE A WIFE not a woman seeking a husband who can do shit for them (I wont do shit for you do it yourself be accomplished hoe)...who DIDNT get vaccinated for covid who likes chess and has brown eyes who wants to spend time with me... Im not really to picky I like alot of different looks so many are so beautiful <3

Who I seek:

Basic:21-50 year old Woman, IDC" (IDC cm)
Seeking:Woman, for MARRIAGE
Body Type:Thin/AVG/Muscular (no extra poundages)
Personality: OPEN TO ALL (I do enjoy INTP meyers&briggs...I am INTP as well I an = so what I am I seek mostly)
City:Relocate to me from the United States
Profession:IDC long as you have some income
Education:at least diploma
Religion:Christian: Other Denomination or Non-Denominational
Misc:NON-Smoker, Drugs (pot ONLY)

Martial Status:SINGLE never married!
Hair Color:ANY
Longest Relationship: IDC
Second Language:IDC
Exercise Habits:1-7 TIMES PER WEEKS
Has Children? NO
Want Children? Yes and JUST MINE
Has Pets?Cat(s): IDC
Has Car?Yes
Political Views:Let God kick all their asses
Postal Zip Code Area:IDGAF

If youre interested make sure you say something, at the very least Id like to play you in chess :)

If you dont like what I wrote SEE IF I GIVE .00000001 OF A f*ck! ANSWERS NO!!!

My Ideal Match:

LONG hair :) with bangs, color doesnt mean jack
I like a girl who can walk up to me with confidence and say I love you or at least i wanna be with you...I want a girl who wants me :D and Im not the best of men ill admit but I got a hammer for a fucking heart and ill love you to fucking death with it <3<3<3

I like girls who dress with class, sweaters, long boots sometimes fuzzy at their ends and skirts and during the winter maybe a fuzzy little coat ....hey a guy can dream but i doubt ill find me another one of who i fucked up with....just be a decent brown eyed gal and I might consider you 18-50 years old and God fearing....and dont lie about it I will THROW you out on ur a** if you lie to me about your belief in God...your actions will show me you wont be able to lie to me about it

My Dating Discussions & Site Activity:

3 Forum Posts
  • Ameriwannica Dating Profile
    Ameriwannica Sigourney, Iowa, USA
    6 hours
    Dating Over 50 stinks.....LOL

    Raised Eyebrow smilie emoji/emoticon smiley this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?

    since about 15 years ago dating changed....datings only for men who own everything are rich and dont worship God...

    Those who do the opposite women just hate....

    The problem isnt the mind of the all think men are required to do shit....but we aint yo....that why yalls single...and live with cats....welcome to future welcome to the truth...women....usually to dumb to get a decent man....end of story....and yall know Im right...i MEAN CMON women they wont even take a step in the right direction for the last 15 years lmao

    None buy their own cars that THEY work do...parents do...someone else does thats NOT the female dont want a weak a** woman...nor a fricken fat a** lazy one either....

    Ive been single 14 years going on 15 with VERY brief women not adding up is impossible the way the world is to find a good woman...becuase...there just are mother aunts sister cousins blah blah blah on and on all just the exact same greedy a** pu**y totin bittches....f*ck yall I wanna get real? 50....try 18....pathetic...women really are..
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  • Ameriwannica Dating Profile
    Ameriwannica Sigourney, Iowa, USA
    Sep 1, 2024 2:42 AM GMT
    Are you out there


    can i just wear fucking devil horns...i will never fucking come to you satanist....mess off...ill pray for ur a**

    Where do I even start? Well, i guess maybe that you're a living, breathing, walking contradiction riddled with mood swings like those of a prepubescent teenage girl, and mental issues. God does not look like you so don't flatter yourself, secondly you talk about horns and satanists, and whatever the f*ck else, yet there you are idolizing Dracula (which btw he renounced God and drank the blood becoming a creature from hell). Also what is this bullshit about how if a woman meets the requirements regarding what YOU seek in one, she would be as you said, "dumb ASF" for not dating or wanting you? You sound controlling and possessive and weak minded as f*ck. You're not that smart and I can tell you right now that you think you're hot shit but you're not even hot enough to start a small fire. Get a grip.

    I love your anger....give me more...hate me more...please :P I really dont care how much YOU THINK you know will never...and youre obviously pissed Ima catch and you cant get this....Im not even gonna read your responses have fun with what my God will give you all....2% of all people DONT BURN IN HELL....ive seen my name written already...good luck with your logging careers yo

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  • Ameriwannica Dating Profile
    Ameriwannica Sigourney, Iowa, USA
    Jul 17, 2024 8:07 PM GMT
    Are you out therecan i just wear fucking devil horns...i will never fucking come to you satanist....mess off...ill pray for ur a**
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