MarVett: Tired of the games?! Me too, let’s talk real life stuff!😊
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More Details:
About Me:
Description of myself will be two-side, my perception of me and what others have told me their perception is. I’m funny, to the point, an introverted extrovert (IYKYK), love a good conversation and can agree to disagree but will allow you to explain your position on the subject while listening with an open mind.
I like mostly all genres of music and think I can sing when I know I really can’t! 😂 I’m not a fan of scary movies but will occasionally entertain them; but mostly like good action pack movies like the most recent Bad Boys 3!! I like tv shows such as Breaking Bad, Your Honor, The Crown and I tend to like real life documentaries and I try to keep up on the latest things happening in politics because such matters does effect our lives and rights.
My favorite sport is NBA basketball and my favorite team is the Lakers. As much as o like the NBA, I don’t follow it like I used to because the game has really changed.
My Ideal Match:
You will need to have your own place be it you own your home, rent an apartment or house but it’s yours and in your name, have reliable transportation, single, drama free, open to travel and oh yes, you have a legal gig. 😊