Horny4Manmeat: Any Chill Dudes on here?

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About Me:
I do construction and at least two times every month my crew are out of town, somewhere in California working. I consider myself a gay masculine guy. I also only accepted my homosexuality about 4 years ago. I have three siblings all boys, all older. I had to act macho and pretend I liked females out of fear of what my brothers would do and my Father would have definitely disowned me. I met a cool coworker few years back, knee him a while, no clue he had a male partner of 11 years. He became my best buddy and I told him my secrets. I then quit lying to myself, ditched the woman who I was seeing. She cheated horribly btw. And in time I had my first experience. I was in bliss and anger I waited so long. Anyway, I'm often h*rny, not a clubbing or going out kind of guy. I'm a stay home, watch tv, eat, work on stuff guy. I'm lonely though and I'm craving some man meat. I don't sleep around but here I am.
I'm 45, half Mexican half White.
Decent looking.
I'm not circumcised if you're wondering.
Decent sized
I'm the top, but I like my backside played with. I'm open to receiving as well. I just never have yet.
I will say I love blowing a guy.
So I'm very o*al
Interested? Let me know.
My Ideal Match:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be older than 36 years old and younger than 70 years old.
Sender must be located within 200 miles of this user.