Hi!  I'm Greg.
member offline hdgreg4
82, Wilson

member offline hdgreg4: From the Denver Zephyr to Noah's RPI soccer games

82 year old Man, 5'11" (180 cm)
Woman, for Lets Hang Out / Chat / Friends
Body Type:
Animal Lover
Presbyterian minister
Masters Degree
Christian: Presbyterian
Non-smoker, Non-Drinker, Drugs Sometimes
Hi!  I'm Greg.
Hi!  I'm Greg.
Hi! I'm Greg.
Match Summary:

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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Not Specified
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 30 years
Second Language:
My Exercise Habits:
5+ Times Per Week
Has Children?
Yes - All over 18 years old
Want Children?
Has Pets?
Has Car?
Political Views:
Postal Zip Code Area:
27893, NC

About Me:

My mom & dad married on 5/21, and hopped that day onto the Denver Zephyr. Mom turned 21 the next day, and birthed me exactly 269 days later [2/21]. In early October I will watch my grandson Noah play soccer for RPI [Rennsselaer Polytechnic Institute]. I also will take him, his brother Shay, and my oldest son Quint to Bellvue Maternity Home in Niskayuna, NY, where Mommy and I spent my life's first week. I was 13 when General Electric transferred Dad to their new Industry Control Plant in Salem, VA. Having walked a half mile home from school in the 7th grade toting a strapless, much-used tuba, I relished the brand-new brass Sousaphone I could wear, rather than carry, in the band of the high school that opened up the first day I walked through its front door.
But I had met some kids in the summer, and they were trying out for the football team, so I walked my hundred pounds onto the field for Cave Spring High's first football practice. I figured I was too light to play on the line--but when the coach called out, "Backs over here, linemen stay where you are," 2/3 of us, about 15, headed for the backfield. Though I had never played football, I knew that there are only four backfield spots, but seven line positions. So I stayed put, I practiced hard my 4 years as a second- or third-string center. I did start a couple of games--but I've always said I played a total of "28 minutes," As for the sousaphone, I made all-district band; but when the band director said I "had to" quit football and play in the half-time show, I quit the band.
I had similar results with dating. I was a small kid, young for my grade--and a Yankee! I dated some cute girls, but I was younger than the girls in my grade, so when I was in the 12th grade, I was going steady with a 9th-grader. Before my first semester of college ended, she had dumped me. That summer, I decided to "up my game." I made a list and spun the telephone dial. Do you need to ask how I felt when she asked, "Greg Who?" Finally, I managed a yes, from a girl I had seen on the sandlot baseball field. When I got home from that date, my sister asked me how it went. "I'm gonna marry her." And I did. Eventually, after she asked other boys to her sorority functions, etc., etc., She/we had three sons and 59 years of marriage, until January 18 of this year, when uterine cancer thought it had beaten her--and did. Her name was Barbara; I nicknamed her Bobi: "B-o-b-i: spell it right & you got a friend for life." And anybody I hang out with is gonna love her too!

My Ideal Match:

I haven't gotten around to all the neat suggestions about my aspirations and accomplishments, etc., etc. Instead, I took you 63 years in five lines to show you the hole in my heart. What I do these days is spend more time composing sermons than I could afford when I was serving as a pastor, let alone my 20-year stint as a prison chaplain. I preach more weeks than I don't; I preached four days before Bobi passed, but then not until mid-April.
One of my joys in life--an itch I was able to scratch in my prison work--is the ability to read the Old Testament in its original language, as I was well-taught in my ministry training. My profile lists Hebrew as my second language; I can translate the Hebrew text into English; but, I cannot SPEAK it.
I love my 7 YO German Shepherd, Shirley. She is my principal "hanger-out," I suppose. Whom I am looking for is, or was when I started composing this, Bobi's worthy successor, That meant, a woman. And, probably, it still does mean a woman. But I like to hang out with guys too, so I can see myself matching up with some men, though almost certainly not sexually. I like to cook. One of my buddies came back to town without giving me the days I asked for so I could fix us an oven-roasted beef brisket I learned to make while he was away. My TV attention aims almost exclusively at news coverage, especially in this election season. I also like to walk. I don't always hit my 7K steps daily, but one day I walked 25,000 steps--in the kitchen; 20 steps is a lap around the island. I can do 25 laps in 5 minutes; that's 100 steps/minute [MAX]

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   Sender must be from the following country: United States.
   Sender must have a profile picture.