Indeterminate: (Retired) Engineer

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About Me:
Living alone in retirement may be the happiest time of my life after a combined 34 years in two failed marriages (divorced since 2017, no kids). But I am a little lonesome and interested in getting out there just in case I can find a truly compatible long-term mate. Would love to treat you to a coffee date to see if there is any chemistry there. 😊
Some say “we are nothing more than the sum total of our experiences.“ I think there is a little more to it than that, but here are some of the experiences that have forged my personality:
- Grew up on family farm in eastern PA, where I began work at 9 years old.
- Worked blue collar jobs for 10 years between high school and college.
- Graduated with honors, BSME, Cornell ’87
- After 17 years, mid-life burnout caused my abandonment of job and first wife in favor of a pursuit of the arts that was successful in all aspects except financial. 😳
- Went back to corporate engineering for 10 years and saved enough for a secure retirement.
-Now I live with a dog on two rural acres. Taking care of that and myself, and staying informed, somehow seems to take up all my time.
I’m very analytical, technical, and maybe even a bit of an intellectual. I’m not interested in people unable to get a grip on their emotions.
My Ideal Match:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Message must be at mininum 300 characters long.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 58 years old and younger than 71 years old.