Pixie_dust: Mom looking for a friend....

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About Me:
is like holding back on watering the plant and expecting it to grow. That being said, I treat my plants like babies, and I have a full grown voting baby at home, plus two more that shed everywhere. I am looking for someone to talk to, have lunch or dinner with, maybe talk a walk, or hang out on the swings.
Future plans?? One day at a time, pay off the house, retire one day, enjoy life, play with grandchildren. Maybe a little travel, since everyone else seems to be doing it, so there must be something worthy about it.
Looking for someone to talk to, hang out with, have dinner, shoot pool, fling axes , go to karaoke, take a walk, lie in the grass and stare up at the sky, hang out at the fire pit, listen to music.
I'm a liberal, so I try to avoid talking about politics. You can have a different opinion, and I will respect it.
I can't stand the smell of smoke, weed, hookah. No drugs of any kind, I deal with enough of it at work. Social alcohol is okay.
I have no filter, I call it as I see it. If you can't handle my fire, it's okay, I'll understand. We can move on. Otherwise, just know that my speech has a lot of pepper in it. It's a little picante! In more than one language.