member offline jacknmaz
79, Mesa

member offline jacknmaz: Check me out ladies

79 year old Man, 5'6" (168 cm)
Woman, for Long Term Relationship
Body Type:
Some Extra Pounds
Non Profit
Bachelors Degree
Non-smoker, Non-Drinker, No Drugs
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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 20 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
1-2 Times Per Week
Has Children?
Want Children?
Has Pets?
No Pets
Has Car?
Political Views:
Postal Zip Code Area:
85201, AZ

About Me:

I might not be someone's first choice but I am a great choice, I may not be rich, but I am valuable, I don't pretend to be someone I m not because I am good at being me, I might not be proud of some of the thing I've done in the past but I am proud of who I am today. I can be naughty Oh yes !
I want a relationship where we can act like idiots, talk about the most random stuff, share everything and never get tired of each other. The best feeling in the world is being with someone who wants you as much as you want them. It's more than just the dates, holding hands, and kissing, It's about accepting each other's weirdness and flaws. It's about being yourself and finding happiness together. It's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

I m a clean-cut attractive well-groomed gentleman, very respectful, not a pushy or rude person, easy-going, down-to-earth kinda guy. I m very very open-minded, I m not religious ( a Spiritual person ) but respectful of other people's beliefs at all times. I come from a small family. I m a widower Don't let my age fool you, I m very active. I live by the golden rule and place principles before personalities
I have a wide range of interests, I m in great health, always clean-shaven, a neat dresser,
I can be a homebody, I have a great sense of humor, can be a little naughty at times.
I still enjoy working and still work part time
I still work just to make ends meet just because social security is not enough to live on as I want. I work for a Non Profit company that helps men and women that have substance problems and I m also in recovery to 20 years sober. I am very honest and to the point.
I rent, I do have a car, and I have time to meet. Also like camping and have tents and all kind of camping equipment
I am a Veteran, serving in US Air Force, and have a degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Aircraft maintenance. I m a blue-collar worker. Can fix about anything.
Interested in women 55 plus

My Ideal Match:
