Stagg531: Kind, Funny, h*rny Guy...
41 year old Man, 6'0" (183 cm)
Woman, for Casual Dating / No Commitment

Body Type:
Some College/University
Non-smoker, Drinks Sometimes, Drugs Sometimes

Match Summary:
This section compares your answers vs. their answers based on Relationship, Dating Compatibility and Personality Test Questions that you both answered. When you are logged in and both users have answered questions, a match percentage for both users will be displayed here! This user has answered 9 popular questions - click the button below to browse through their answers and details.
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Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Mixed Color
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 10 years
Second Language:
My Exercise Habits:
3-4 Times Per Week
Has Children?
Prefer not to say
Want Children?
Prefer not to say
Has Pets?
No Pets
Has Car?
Political Views:
I Dont Follow Politics
Postal Zip Code Area:
55414, MN
About Me:
Ok this is becoming a bit much but I guess I'll bite, as long as I'm this far in. Fair warning, tho- much of this may just be filler so I can breach the 200-word limit. ANYWAY, I'm left-handed, a Gemini, and I'll make you laugh all day long. I love cooking and seeing live music. I love autumn, most people, and rain. I'd love to find a fwb with the potential to grow into something more. Right now, however- a man has needs. 😉
Mail Requirements:
This user has the following criteria that must be met before accepting messages from users:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 18 years old.
Sender must be located within 150 miles of this user.
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 18 years old.
Sender must be located within 150 miles of this user.
i love to talk ask questios and laugh. are you smart? i love that. but are you a thinker?? even better! im excellet at certain activities that may involve knee pads! lol hmu, lets do this!
wanna pnp in twin cities mn. if ur not a murderer, i can come come to ur pad too. or hotel here. i party, and i PLAY. i like white boys, preferably 40's but may be able to work out other applications.
Wow. Ok last reply I swear 😂🤦♂️
Of all things I forgot to mention, when it comes to both ‘P’s in PNP, I’m a professional at both, just fyi. Especially the second ‘P’; I’ve got you covered on pleasure, and I’ve got equipment enough to keep you happy. Let’s do this
i love to talk ask questios and laugh. are you smart? i love that. but are you a thinker?? even better! im excellet at certain activities that may involve knee pads! lol hmu, lets do this!
wanna pnp in twin cities mn. if ur not a murderer, i can come come to ur pad too. or hotel here. i party, and i PLAY. i like white boys, preferably 40's but may be able to work out other applications.
Hey! Me again. If you wanna chat and hang I’m totally down, and actually free this evening. I also just picked up a bunch of favors, so we’re good there. I gotta be honest tho- this ad isn’t really helping. If were to hang, you’d take this down, or no?
I should explain myself: of course what you do with your time is your business, and I certainly don’t expect anyone in kickin it with to be monogamous immediately or anything, but if I’m sleeping with someone, I’d hope we could agree to not actively seek out STIs, ya know? 😂 Running into an old friend or something is understandable; harvesting questionable contacts(and germs) by way of offering blowjobs on the internet is quite another. There is so much chlamydia and gonorrhea going around right now, it’s pretty gnarly. I’d like to at least try to avoid such unpleasantries if possible. I hope that makes sense. If that means I’m a jerk, so be it, I guess.
Anyway yeah- as I said. Your life is your business, but I’d hope you could at least not actively seek other d*ck while we’re hanging out, ya know?
i love to talk ask questios and laugh. are you smart? i love that. but are you a thinker?? even better! im excellet at certain activities that may involve knee pads! lol hmu, lets do this!
. Hey! Me again. If you wanna chat and hang I’m totally down, and actually free this evening. I also just picked up a bunch of favors, so we’re good there. I gotta be honest tho- this ad isn’t really helping. If were to hang, you’d take this down, or no?wanna pnp in twin cities mn. if ur not a murderer, i can come come to ur pad too. or hotel here. i party, and i PLAY. i like white boys, preferably 40's but may be able to work out other applications.
Does your short/small pants snake prefer hand, or o*al play most often? How often? By a man? By a woman? Self?
Dude, if I could perform o*al on myself, I'd never leave the couch.