Teasing Rosa at Don Jauns about her food prices
My comfort zone
member offline THEMAGICMAN
78, Hot Springs National Park


78 year old Man, 6'0" (183 cm)
Woman, for Long Term Relationship
Body Type:
Big & Tall/BBW
Free Thinker
Retired businessman
Associates Degree
Non-smoker, Drinks Sometimes, No Drugs
Teasing Rosa at Don Jauns about her food pricesMy comfort zone
Teasing Rosa at Don Jauns about her food prices
Teasing Rosa at Don Jauns about her food prices
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More Details:

Martial Status:
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Longest Relationship:
Over 10 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
I Don't Exercise Often
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Has Pets?
No Pets
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Postal Zip Code Area:
71913, AR

About Me:

I am a generally friendly guy with a big smile and sense of humor. I like to kid alot and make other people smile. As mentioned I am retired after selling Scoops Ice Cream in Hot Springs for 20 years. Prior to that I was mostly in California for 40 years where there I was involved in two differant industries - 30 years in the commercial sound reinforcement business as first a disrict manager for CBS retail stores, them a comercial sound rep for The Bose Corporation (loudspeakers) selling systems to Sergio Mendez, Niel Diamond, Hebie Handcock, San Diego Sports Arena and such. After that I was made the Assitant Product Development Manager for Sony Superscope / Marantz at the inception of the 4 channel era. I then later for the last 10 years of that 40 spent in the wholesale food industry owning a Wholesale only high-end dessert bakery where I sold primarily cheese cakes all over CA. to the Embassy Suites, Hiltons and the like for their banquet services. That is what lead me to Scoops Ice Cream in Hot Springs to retire. As a hobby I was a Pro/Am wildlife photographer of some note and used a Nikon full frame systems with lenses to collect my images. I still very much enjoy going out anywhere wildlife exsist including our three local lakes. I live in a very comfortable Duplex on Lake Hamilton in town. I l also trade the Nasdaq stock market daily and have for 20 years ever since the Twin Tower crash. I enjoy streaming movies of all kinds, eating good food - a bit of a qourmet and a good red wine (Pinot Noir) and Moet Chandon Imperial for white. I like pretty much all types of food from Thai to Sushi rolls, steaks (Pittsburgh style) Greek, Mexican, Italian LOL if you get my drift. I am well versed on a number of topics including politics and religion and science. Primarily I am here to find a companion for the final stage. I have slowed down a little but still very much am enjoying life and intend on staying that way. I have some health issues like everyone our age but it rarely interfers with my agenda. I really enjoy, cuddiling, kissing and general affection with my partners. There is more but if this doesn't at least sound like a match then it probably isn't.

Mail Requirements:

This user has the following criteria that must be met before accepting messages from users:
   Sender must be Female.
   Sender must have a profile picture.
   Sender must be older than 30 years old and younger than 78 years old.
   Sender must be located within 35 miles of this user.