TooTall007: We were not created to be alone!

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About Me:
I’m a hard working man that has done many years in the construction field. Owner of a home improvement company and as they say if you do what you like to do you never work a day in your life. lol that is so not true! I love what I do but it is physically exhausting work especially in the summer. I prefer working in all other seasons including winter. You can always dress warm but when it’s hot there is only so much you can take off.
People who come into our lives are in four categories. Season, Reasons, Lessons, and Lifetimes! I understand and have experienced them all other than a loving companion to walk through this realm of life hand in hand with the working of our commitments and promises taken to heart when the preacher man says to repeat after me. And mean what those vowels say.. That when lived by unselfishly turns into the lifetime. Love is more than a feeling. If it is a feeling at all. Love is the denial of self and living for the other. As the two become One. No fighting. Why fight. I’ve learned through the seasons and reasons and the lesson days of life that when I am feeling angry it’s not the other person but that feeling is within me. I feel angry and I react to the situation at hand. How…? With love and respect, kindness and understanding. Knowing that I am in control of me not the situation that’s frustrating. Am I going to choose to be angry? No there is no point. Love is everything you do and think of to give yourself to the person you promised your hand to to care for and love until death do you part. And this is what I am looking for. A woman that I can walk a lifetime with, one another giving our hands our hearts our lives for the other.
My Ideal Match:
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