Frnd4me: Someone to share with
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More Details:
About Me:
As the headline implies, playing disc golf is very important to me and I would really like to find someone to share that with. It's not a prerequisite, but it sure would be nice.
My children (two girls) are also a very big part of my life. Starting soon they will be with me every other week. I'm looking forward to spending quality time with them. They recently expressed interest in playing D&D, which I'm very excited about. I'm also, quite honestly, looking forward to having time to pursue my interests when they aren't with me.
My interests are pretty home-oriented; building (I have a sawmill), blacksmithing, drumming and listening to music are the big ones.
I'm very open to trying new things, I love to learn.
In a nutshell, I'd describe myself as a kina nerdy-quite handy-disc golf plying-homebody.
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 35 years old and younger than 80 years old.
Sender must be located within 35 miles of this user.