Hello there
member offline TanDis
53, Hadley

member offline TanDis: Looking for someone fun

53 year old Woman, 5'1" (155 cm)
Man, for Casual Dating / No Commitment
Body Type:
Animal Lover
Loan officer
Associates Degree
Christian: Catholic
Non-smoker, Non-Drinker, No Drugs
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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 10 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
1-2 Times Per Week
Has Children?
Not Specified
Want Children?
Has Pets?
Has Car?
Political Views:
Postal Zip Code Area:
48445, MI

About Me:

I'm a person who loves to laugh and I enjoy the company of a sweet, caring person. I like movies, comedy and being outside in nature. I do hunt and fish when I can. I love farming and caring for my animals. I believe in giving and sharing in good and bad times. I believe I've started each sentence with I and I'm about doing for and helping others, so all the I's are abnormal for me. Life is about sharing with good folks and making wonderful memories. I do not do drama or lying, so if that's your thing I'm not your gal. Sweetness, kindness and caring is where it's at. :)

My Ideal Match:

I'm looking for a fun, loving, caring man that believes in doing for others and not just himself. Someone that enjoys the outdoors and shares my love of animals, as well as my love for laughing and comedy.