Rockg: ME LOL

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About Me:
My personality, I'm outgoing , I'm a talker, like to anyone , I'll talk to much sometimes lol. I play around alot , joking teasing trying to push buttons- was a big help in dealing with middle schoolers. Im definitely a cuddler - I go from working for hours on something to couch potato in a split second, I'm always doing something.
Hobbies, I garden , have basically a mini farm , I travel when I can - 1 to 3 times a year I'm in Yellowstone, I used to take groups of my students on a 3 week road trip all over the western US, other hobbies fishing when you can find a place around here, watching westerns and old sci fi and horror flix- old stuff ,new to much gore, cooking , canning , working on the house , used to hunt hard to here, guess I'm kind of a semi prepper. I have a strong belief in God ,a work in progress.