member offline kazczsuj
73, West Jordan

member offline kazczsuj: I've been lonely too long

73 year old Man, 5'8" (173 cm)
Woman, for Long Term Relationship
Body Type:
Some Extra Pounds
Bachelors Degree
Christian: Other Denomination or Non-Denominational
Non-smoker, Non-Drinker, No Drugs
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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 20 years
Second Language:
My Exercise Habits:
3-4 Times Per Week
Has Children?
Yes - All over 18 years old
Want Children?
Has Pets?
No Pets
Has Car?
Political Views:
Postal Zip Code Area:
84088, UT

About Me:

Wow, 200 words required! I suppose that I am like you and find it difficult to describe myself. I think of myself as just a regular guy looking for a special someone, special to me. I am a retired architect, divorced with four grown children, three grandchildren. We are not a very close family for a variety of reasons. I have lived alone now for 18 years. It may be difficult to adjust to living with someone again but, if she is the right person then it will work out. I try to be active. I play tennis twice a week, attend an exercise class once a week. I would like to travel all over the world. I would like to try new and exciting things but at heart I am a homebody. I would love to do many things but probably like you, I hate doing things alone. The joy in an adventure is sharing it without someone. A beautiful sunset is just not as beautiful unless you are sharing it with that special someone. I attend live theatre productions. I have seasons tickets to two theatre groups. I attend with friends but would prefer to be with that someone special.

My Ideal Match:

A good honest woman how will love me for who I am and not who they think I should be.