LenSail: Can I be Your Near Prerfect Partner

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About Me:
Like me she is physically and mentally ready for someone to share this most remarkable thing we all desire.. love.
But for that to happen it takes that thing called chemistry. We’re not going to find chemistry here on this site.
But we can share some common interests and get a start.
Without doing a total sales pitch here I’ll just quote something my last girlfriend said. “Some woman is going to win the lotto with you”. How nice.
Really, I do have a lot to offer and I make it a point that my life partner is happy, secure in our relationship without feelings of control or restricted in any way.
“I want someone to love me without restriction, trust me without fear and want me with out demand”.
I’m adventurous, spontaneous. Open for anything to add to my bucket list. I love outdoors, mountains, especially the ocean. This life is good but I want to experience it all. I want a partner in crime to continue this journey.
If you are like me you love affection, open displays of love, massages, soft intimate kisses and intimacy from a man that does all he can to make you happy.
I don’t play games. I’m out spoken no BS and there is never anything more than open honest communication.
If any of this intrigues you please feel free to contact me and let’s see what’s next.
Oh, did I mention, you must be able to laugh, really laugh and accept my southern gentleman manners. Your hand should never touch a door knob. That’s my job.
Please be a very strong and independent woman with your own identity. I want an equal partner.
Please be slim/thin, healthy and a smile that melts my heart
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