member offline Jdawg6005
59, winona

member offline Jdawg6005: Single for way too long

59 year old Man, 5'11" (180 cm)
Woman, for Casual Dating / No Commitment
Body Type:
Night Owl
Some College/University
Regular Smoker, Drinks Sometimes, No Drugs
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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 9 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
Not Specified
Has Children?
Yes - All over 18 years old
Want Children?
Has Pets?
No Pets
Has Car?
Political Views:
Not Specified
Postal Zip Code Area:
55987, MN

About Me:

I have been single for near 16 years. Raised 2 sons who are now in their mid and late 20s.They are well on their own and living their own lives. Its time for me to find a gal that I can enjoy life with. A gal who has some of the same interests as I do and maybe teach me a few things they like and enjoy. I am not hard to please and I would love to put a smile on my favorite gals face. I enjoy jumping in the car and just taking off with no plans. Just see where the road takes me. Sometimes that can be just a few hour drive and sometimes I have driven 3 or 4 hundred miles plus one way. Would love too have some company on those little get aways. Im not the type of guy with attitude and dont need any drama in my life. Can I interest anyone in some chat and see where things go???