nephafoster: Well, Hello Gentlemen.

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About Me:
On the other hand, I am the5th of 8 kids and growing up in a small 3BR 1BA with parents and Grandpa., well.... you have to have and enjoy humor in order to survive. No SNL Live ever escaped our entire brood from re-enacting the episodes for friens and classmates the next week. Todd & Lisa ( Bill Murray & Gilda) were the BEST.
I have been known to remove and hide the door to a bigshot cardiologist's private office once...twice....? He couldn't smoke all day and I look so innocent and incapable of doing such a thing.. I was employee of the month a few days later! I have never streaked across 5 yards in a strange neighborhood after breaking into a strangers hot tub either. Have I? There is a reason my hair goes below my a**.
I have been an active community volunteer in many areas since I was 13. Growing up poor and all 8 of us becoming professionals was achieved by us because of the we received from volunteers. It the highest of honors to be invited to an unrelated students graduation, over their grandparents and the limited seats and their desire for you to see their achievements.
I' also am a 20 year certified Ga. Lifetime Master Gardener and the Founding Charter President of my counties MG Club and have served on several county advisory committees.
Boredom bores me to boredom. Please don't be boring. Actually, I'm pretty blunt and I will tell you if you are. Sometimes, you just don't know it. Kinda like finding out you snore! I'm.....Oh, Not me, Ummm.....PEOPLE, yeah, people don't know if they don't have a bedmate to tell them so. I di....YIKES...He was so surprised!!!!
I love my 5 1/2 acres and living back away from view of others. I'm in my yard or gardens as often as possible. A big screened BBQ house helps. I process and by canning and other methods, preserve most of what I grow. During winter, I have a hydroponic system in my basement.
I have been Christian baptized 2 times and no longer support churches. I respect them greatly, yet as I have aged, I see many wrongs with the ORGINIZATION of religion. Faith is completely different in my opinion. Please don't try to preach to me. My Ex-to-be is 1 of 5, with many, many descendants and their offspring. EACH & EVERY adult is a theology degree holding Preacher or Missionary somewhere in the worlds worst hell holes. I do not tolerate religious conversation well. Debates.... yes.
One of my favorite things to do is to DANCE. Not formal, cause I always try to lead. I can't live without the blues and rock n roll. Just get out there and move to the music is what I do. Have fun with it. Good or bad really doesn't matter and it can make a night go by fast. If you can keep up with me , you will get a workout.
I hope this gives you a little more incite into me. I'm extremely comfortable in most situations and I have never met a stranger, that I know about anyway. If my flipping from my big profession language, well, it's just who I am. Pretty adaptable to most things.