BigCuddleMonster: Last Gentleman Alive

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About Me:
With that being said...
I love to dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. I enjoy watching midgets try to mud wrestle. I only date women shorter than me and Chinese guys. I like to lick dead batteries and make love to worn out light bulbs. My favorite thing to do on the weekend is to lay naked on the couch with my feet soaking in a big bowl of sour scream and watch dutch Amish porn scenes while I shave a balloon dipping in whip cream and try not to break it. I believe that all people that wear the color yellow can't not be trusted, they WILL steal your cookie when you aren't looking and blame it on the cat. I believe in the existence of underwear gnomes that steal your underwear, sometimes while you are still wearing it and have traced their ancestry back to the middle ages and proved that is why they use to wear chastity belts on the girls and plate armor for the guys. I believe that some people have just been placed on this earth to make life much more "interesting" for the rest of us and its Gods little joke that we have to find out which ones they are the hard way. And in closing I hope reading this the gnomes haven't stole your underwear, nobody stole your cookie and you realize that everything past the first paragraph of this was a creative line of BS just to capture your attention while I licked all your batteries while you weren't looking. "WHAT?!!! Don't look at me, the cat did it!"
My Ideal Match:
Interests / Keywords:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Message must be at mininum 50 characters long.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 18 years old and younger than 45 years old.