Snowdrop123: Romantic Man who likes Men who are Men
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More Details:
About Me:
It was winter, and very cold. It had been raining steadily for over a week, and the creeks were rising. The pig-house was in a deep hollow with natural springs that came down from the surrounding hills. My friend was worried the pig-house would flood. So he and I went down and started filling old feed-bags with straw and manure. Our boots soon filled with water, and the night was pitch-black except for our flashlights. My feet and hands grew numb and my arms and shoulders ached from heaving the filled bags on top of one another. We then tore at the ground outside with shovels and picks, somehow managing to divert most of the water away from the pig-house.
It was tough, hard, exhausting work, but in the end it paid off. We worked together in a crisis as a team.
My Ideal Match:
I like nice things, but am perfectly happy in a cabin with a wood stove. There's nothing quite like wood-heat.
I helped start and run a plant nursery here called Fairie Gardens. It lasted almost 30 years, and I was quite proud of it.
One of my favorite things to do is snuggling up on the couch with the one I love. Talk is optional.
I love forests, farmyards, gardens, and beaches. I've enjoyed sailing my little boat around Budd Inlet and Boston Harbor for some years.