ManFarBehind: Tired of searching and only finding the fakes
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Let's Hang Out today!
More Details:
About Me:
Looking for a woman who is the kind who thrives on drama or lies. No cheats, no side guys... None of that. Only looking for a woman who is actually going to be there the long haul and not try to act like she wants to beat the whole world up.
I love music, Rock music to be exact. A good movie to watch together is always a plus. I'm not into sports. I will be up front about that right now. Just never suited me.
Video chat, phone calls, chatting... in person meeting and not looking for a hook-up. I'm way too old for that garbage I do not send money online, No Cash App or any other apps, thank you.
If you are a mature woman who is not wanting to play games. Then let's talk and see what happens. Don't be afraid because I said no to the trash the internet dating sites tend to dump on us. There are many reasons and I will explain it later!
I like movies, cuddle on the couch, listening to music. Walking in a park. Going out to eat sometimes for a treat. Dinner at home or at a nice restaurant.
My Ideal Match:
I prefer a woman with long hair. I adore long blonde hair. But it's not a requirement. A woman who will take my heart away and never let it go. A woman who enjoys laughing and enjoying life. Who will encourage me when I am down. Who I can encourage when she is down. (Face it, we all have our moods)
Pick a movie, Lets watch it together and see how things unfold. If we are compatible, We will know with in a few dates.
Interests / Keywords:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 30 years old and younger than 56 years old.