Kendle: Looking for FWB , leading to ?

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About Me:
I bought my first guitar in Japan in 1959, started playing and singing in Hawaii in 1968, and still play for my own enjoyment.
I guess I should mention that I've been married 4 times; 1961, 1 1/2 yrs; 1964,6 yrs; 1974, 8 yrs; and 1983, almost 41 yrs. I contracted herpes in 1973 (from a young female groupie), but to my knowledge, never infected any of my girl friends or wives!
I'm 100% handicapped, according to the VA, but I still drive and walk pretty good.
As you might imagine, I've got a lot of tales to tell, but I don't want this to become a book.
ps. There's no picture because I can't figure out the camera in this ALL IN ONE, Windows 11 equipt machine.