Gyromantic: Let's start this new chapter together!

This section compares your answers vs. their answers based on Relationship, Dating Compatibility and Personality Test Questions that you both answered. When you are logged in and both users have answered questions, a match percentage for both users will be displayed here! This user has answered 106 popular questions - click the button below to browse through their answers and details.
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About Me:
I have such an abundance of compassion and love remaining that it’d be a sin to keep it all to myself!! Care to partake?
I’m an introvert and homebody for the most part. A decent nudge can move me from my shell.
Though a big kid at heart, I’m adaptable to whatever situation is at hand – no worries.
Wanting a child/children and monogamy are a MUST. I won’t play mind games – there’s no point. My desired outcome is finding a forever man. Hopefully, I can be your forever woman!!
My hobbies/interests, like most, are vast and varied:
Family, friends and pets
Music, listening (nothing “new”)
Music, making (voice and concert harp)
Word seek puzzlers
Retro gaming (NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PS1)
Nature-related activities
Science and medicine
Learning anything and everything
My Ideal Match:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Male.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 34 years old and younger than 54 years old.