Ricklopez108: Hit me up

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* Do you have an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)?
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Would you date someone who has an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease)?
Would you date someone who has BBW or "some extra pounds" as their body type?
Would you date someone who smokes?
Would you date someone who has children?
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Hit me up
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A description is required with a minimum 200 characters. Do not include your full name, phone number, or address due to safety and privacy reasons. People will be able search the site and find your description and will also likely read it if they receive a message from you. For many people, your description will be your first impression of you!
Tips on being successful and getting found:
Talk about your hobbies and free time activities
Talk about your goals, aspirations, and future plans
Talk about yourself, your personality, and what makes you unique
Talk about your taste in music, movies, sports, games and tv shows
List anything else specifically that you enjoy or that is important to you. Potential dates can search for specific keywords (such as the name of a hobby, tv show, location, personality type, games, etc.) can find your profile if the keyword is listed in your description!
Writing a high quality, detailed, unique, and informative description not only will help you get found on LetsHangOut.com, but also throughout the internet, including in Google, Bing and Yahoo searches!
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