miles_fieldman: Prospectin' for a Trail Buddy
This section compares your answers vs. their answers based on Relationship, Dating Compatibility and Personality Test Questions that you both answered. When you are logged in and both users have answered questions, a match percentage for both users will be displayed here! This user has answered 33 popular questions - click the button below to browse through their answers and details.
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About Me:
Most of the time you will find me head-down at my desk in research or catching up on different things helpful to my career prospects. In general, I enjoy good times with good people and laughing. I also enjoy goofy and eccentric board games and a friendly poker game where the object isn't money, but to get to know folks and goof around. I don't like to take myself too seriously, but sometimes I do. I like to treat everyone fairly, justly and warmly, but sometimes I'm an a**. And I get along with most people fine til someone crosses the line and I try to politely let them know. Crossing the line = unfairly judging others and being a general douche.
My hobbies are:
- music comp
- sound design for some friends making a video game
- reading anything interesting (fiction and non-fiction, but I love a good sci-fi epic)
- video games (occasionally, but not often)
- playing with the crazy Retriever
- building and repairing computers
- and a bunch of other stuff...
Goals, Aspirations, Future Plans:
- make a living prospecting (and yeah, people do that)
- I would also like to one day become a crack shot with a pistol and rifle
- maybe learn my old a** to ride a horse and maybe the horse learns my old a** a lesson
- build a non-profit to coordinate with law enforcement and find missing people/children to reunite them with their families
Musical Taste:
- first and foremost "Walking in Memphis" is probably my favorite song right now. Just real catchy and seems to fit.
- Really good Film Scores/Soundtracks
- Garth Brooks, Willie Nelson, Elton John, Billy Joel, oh hell this list is gonna be a monster...
- Tasteful electronic music that is artfully created (whatever the hell that means)
- I like a lot of different types of music, but I'm picky for my personal library; I will not dog you for liking music I don't -- we all like what we like
Other entertainment preferences:
- funny stuff
- good sci-fi shows and movies
- detective stories
- some fantasy and/or historical fiction
- yeah, this list is gonna get too long
My Ideal Match:
- you're a tomboy, and going on a hiking and camping adventure makes you more excited than a mountain lion looking at a herd of deer
- you also don't mind killing said mountain lion because its looking at my dumba** in the same manner as I go about obliviously busting off a rock sample (for God's sake that is not a sex joke)
- your opinion matters and you should have one
- maybe you smoke a bit of weed, but you are the type that doesn't do but enough to take the edge off
- you don't mind that I don't smoke weed and won't constantly badger me to do so
- you otherwise find no inclination for hard drugs; and if you smoke, you at least have enough common sense to not burn down the forest
- when we are ordering lunch, I will probably just hand you money for it
- please understand that making food choices is my kryptonite and I have no allergies and don't care what I eat -- if you think it's good, I'll eat it
- you also like the fact that for some reason unknown to either of us, I make the best damn burritos from scratch, among other things
- you wouldn't mind using a compass, binoculars, camera and two-way radio and memorizing a list of codes and the military alphabet so we can communicate and document what we find and where we find it
- you also might enjoy using these skills to confuse the hell out of anyone eavesdropping and even make secret jokes about them that make us both laugh without them having a clue
- you prefer to sound really disappointed over the radio when making a big discovery, and really like to get creative with your expression of fake disappointment, followed by a real info code tag so that passer's by will just keep passin by and I actually know what the hell you are talking about (lol)
- you don't mind me talking geology and certainly won't boulder me in the head for causing you to roll your eyes going "Why can't this man shut up about rocks?"
- be willing to rescue other hikers in the woods should they need help
- be patient and willing to teach me stuff that I don't know but that you would prefer I do know
- you also won't murder me in my sleep for writing this list of qualities in the form of run-on sentences
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