Batya: Proverbs 31 Woman

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About Me:
Im currently working on several writing projects including a 2nd manuscript. Love to try different recipes to cook. Love spending the holidays with family and a significant other whenever he crosses my path. I spend time at my house of worship on a regular baises
I'm a no-drama type of woman; the only drama I want to see is in a movie, and some of these movies on television nowadays are so bizarre!
My Ideal Match:
What I look for:
1. Because of our world, I need to feel safe with Someone who can be verified through
documents, photos, videos, or search engines.
2. Great communication via phone, in-person
3. Mutual respect- emotional discipline. You don’t let your appetite dictate your
4. I prefer someone within at least 200 miles, but I let God decide that.
5. Leader- with wisdom
6. A man who loves and seeks God, His Word, His people, and fellowships often
7. I'm seeking a financially stable man. This is non-negotiable, as I do not provide
financial support to men.
8. Mental stability involves managing your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors balanced
and healthy. It involves maintaining resilience in the face of challenges and stress
and functioning well daily. Mentally stable individuals have a clear sense of reality,
make sound decisions, and form healthy relationships. They are proactive in seeking
help when needed and possess good self-awareness. This is a crucial quality in a
partner, as it ensures stability and support within the relationship.
9. Compassionate
10. Thoughtful
11.He is proactive in his thinking and actions.
12. A man who operates in discipline you do what needs to be done no matter how you
13. The ability to affirm - will you speak life into me? Will you pray for and over me?
14. Wisdom, Encouragement, & Wisdom are enormous!!!
Interests / Keywords:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Male.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 63 years old and younger than 75 years old.
Sender must be located within 200 miles of this user.