briteblu: I'm quiet and laid back. Open minded, 'Non judgmental'

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About Me:
I have a Bachelor's in Computer Science. But I shifted away from that profession several years back. I study Quantum Physics now. I will stop there because that is a rabbit hole discussion that I promise will intrigue you, but for a later time. I really do not have so called hobbies. I am always interested in trying new things or meeting people who have the same interest as me. There are so many interesting, good people in this world. With all the social media negativity, bad politics and big corporations trying to swindle every penny out of us, it is important to remember that there is more good than bad, and together we can make a difference. But let me be honest, I listen to Hip Hop music. That is how I get my vibe moving. I grew up in a Country music household. Not the new age kind, more like the year 2000 and earlier. type. And when I need that extra concentration to focus on my self, keeping my spirit positive and passing on that aura to someone in need, Classical music is my inspiration.