MATorres7: Nerdy, gamer, anime fan, inexperienced and lonely.

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About Me:
I'm studying Graphic Design, and will hopefully graduate by 2022 and I'm 19.
I enjoy any kind of music (aside from Mainstream hip-hop), my favorite consisting of old school hip-hop, EDM, Indie Pop, Jazz, Future Funk, Nu Disco, Disco, Funk, Low Rider Music (don't know exactly what it's called lol), and oldies. I swear I'm an old man in a young man's body.
I enjoy comedy movies, and action movies as long as it has comedy associated with it, Superhero movies and some horror movies. They're just not that great.
I don't know what my personality would be per-say, but I'm really chill, I'm open minded, very calm, but I can get loud sometimes. I'm socially awkward, but if I meet with the right person, I will open up real good (introvert). I'm pretty quirky, I sing out loud (badly), like to whistle a lot, so I'm told, haha.