ChrisThyssen: This is a provisional headline
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About Me:
(later) AhAAAA! It now appears that it is the description of me which must be at least 200 words.
I am sporty and have travelled all over the world. I going skiiing and Greek island-hopping so frequently that I scarcely have time to administer my various businesses, which bring in millions and basically just take care of themselves.
I think carefully about my cat, and care about her. I think family values are important, which is why I was so upset when I bludgeoned all to death a few years ago. I was incarcerated for quite a long time (during which period my various businesses just took care of themselves, continuing to amass vast amounts of income, too much really), but finally managed to convince the very lenient parole board that I was a reformed character.
My Ideal Match:
Aha... "the description must be at least 200 words". I had only put 79 words. To reach a figure of 200 words I could either waffle or lay down a list of strict requirements regarding my putative future partner.
Did I say that it is essential that she be beautiful and funny? And intelligent?