TreDenton231: Hey, there!
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About Me:
Here are some things you should know: I'm the kind of guy, who likes to try and get out and do anything and everything he possibly can in his life, even if its a life risk! I'm 27 years old. I've been through hell the last year, and I'm just looking to meet someone new, and settle down. I used to live on my own, but I do not anymore. Something happened that I would rather talk about to someone who would understand. I am a very outgoing guy. I can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. I care about all things, and people when I get to know them. I may come off as kind of shy at first, but I can be very out there, once you get to know me.
What I am looking for on here is someone who is willing to see me for me. Someone who sees me for the man that I am, even if I don't have everything to offer. Yes, I am looking for a relationship...eventually. With me I would rather just start out by maybe hanging out, getting to know one another, and then maybe become more as time goes on. I would one day love to have my own family, children, and a wife that I can love and care for. I know this may all sound to good to be true, but I promise you, its the truth.
I hope this has really caught your attention, because this is what I am all about. :)