Docvet: Yin and Yang seeks balance and return to a natural state

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About Me:
I know you are out there somewhere; it just hasn't been the right time for either of us to meet. In the meantime, I have been working hard to make myself worthy of you. I joined the Army upon graduation from High School, and this is where the adventures truly begin for me. I learned the true meanings of service and sacrifice during this time. I received a firsthand education in what it means to have courage and experience sheer terror while serving in the Middle East and North Africa. I have since secured a great position helping others as a Cardiac Nurse. It's truly remarkable the things we are able to do today to fix broken hearts. I currently have a wonderful life. In truth, there have been some mistakes made along the way with set backs and challenges, but I wouldn't change them for anything as they have made me the man I am today.
I have taken up photography and found that not only am I fairly decent at it, but I truly love doing it. It has taken me to the beaches of California where I have captured some great sights along the coast and even been mesmerized by the stars over the ocean. I am looking forward to future adventures to the Midwest in the not too distant future where I will get some wonderful landscapes and, if the seasons line up, some spectacular Milky Way shots. You don't know how I wish you could be there to see those sights with me. They are utterly breath taking. Soon we will be taking these adventures together, there's just so much to see and do out there in the world today.
I know you have had your great times and hard times as well. They have made you the woman you are today. The strength and compassion you have shown daily is a testament to your worth. Your confidence and fidelity are never in question. Your honor and dedication to good and right shows your true passion for life. I look forward to exploring the world with you and spending our days enjoying every heart beat we have together. Each mountain we shall climb, each river we will cross, each sunset we enjoy in each others arms will be a testament to the support and enjoyment we find in each other. These are treasured memories we will make together. Let me know where you are, so that we can start our own adventures together.