Seb_the_crab: Broke college student, looking for love.

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About Me:
Goals/future plans: I would like to become a very successful High school music teacher.
Personality: Well, I'm an Aries and I've been told that I have very high Aries energy. I prefer to be alone with a few friends than go out to a raging party. I also consider myself to be a weirdo.
What makes me unique?: I own a hedgehog if that's unique.
Taste in music: I like alternative, rock, pop-punk, pop, indie, etc. I like classical music too. I guess the only type of music i really don't vibe with is Country music.
Moves and TV shows: I am a movie buff. Love movies. I also love TV shows, I will watch a show in a day if I really like it.
Sports: I like to play basketball, football, and volleyball.
Random things I like: Dr. pepper, warm weather, converse, candles, collecting my friends art, and painting things that really shouldn't be painted(ex. my trash can).
My perfect date doesn't exist because I haven't met them yet. I'm down to do anything on a date: eat food, watch a movie, go to an amusement park, go hiking, go rollerskating, or even going to an art gallery. Kinda whatever you want to do.