My Frankburt character.
member offline DoctorFeelGood
23, Tacoma

member offline DoctorFeelGood: Hi, I'm Gabe!

23 year old Man, 5'11" (180 cm)
Woman, for Long Term Relationship
Other Ethnicity
Body Type:
Animal Lover
High school
Christian: Lutheran
Non-smoker, Non-Drinker, No Drugs
My Frankburt character.
My Frankburt character.
My Frankburt character.
Match Summary:

This section compares your answers vs. their answers based on Relationship, Dating Compatibility and Personality Test Questions that you both answered. When you are logged in and both users have answered questions, a match percentage for both users will be displayed here! This user has answered 164 popular questions - click the button below to browse through their answers and details.

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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Never Had One!
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
5+ Times Per Week
Has Children?
Want Children?
Has Pets?
Has Car?
Political Views:
I Dont Follow Politics
Postal Zip Code Area:
98404, WA

About Me:

I am a kind and caring man looking for a kind and caring women. I care about our planet and the people and animals living on it, and want to make our world a better place some day for all of us somehow. I love science, space, technology, and building or making things, and I love music, art and drawing, reading and writing, playing and making video games, solving puzzles and brain teasers, and working out. I love talking and hanging out with people and making them laugh too, though I am a little shy - I also like watching tv, surfing the internet, and doing many other things too, but most importantly, I love having fun!

My Ideal Match:

I want a women who is kind and caring as well as h*rny and wanting to make love right away and trying new ways to do that - I will do what she wants and how she likes it, and she can do what I want and how I like it if she wants, and we can both find new ways to make love in the bedroom together when that time comes.

Mail Requirements:

This user has the following criteria that must be met before accepting messages from users:
   Sender must be Female.
   Sender must be older than 18 years old and younger than 120 years old.