jjloveto182436: Fun loving, adventurus, hard working man is looking for you.

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About Me:
Talk about myself, really. I'm speachless. Not a whole lot to talk about but I do have my stories of growing up in Riverside. Going to Catholic school as a boy, our church festivals, little league baseball. Then off to public school for 9th grade, home work, girls and the school bully that I kicked the soccer ball into. How about high school, fun shop classes, more home work, hard classes, plays, fixing cars, racing cars, drive in movies, more girls and my first kiss. Starting my first job, first pay check, graduating, Disneyland for grad night. Then on to real life, working 2 jobs, camping with the family, working out of state, bowling leagues, girl friends, parties, really late nights, with no sleep. Big step of buying a home, marriage, then a family. On with real life to where we are now. Looking for a friend to hang out with.
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Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 50 years old.