Nick45: Something special

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About Me:
Things I like and enjoy doing well I use to love going horseback riding, camping, fishing, archery, grilling, water skiing even though I'm not to good at it lol the same with dancing I can two step a little by I always thought I just made an a** out of myself and looked like an idiot BUT for the right woman I would happily look stupid for her if it put a smile on her face!but anyways I love playing pool, and working with my hands I really like fixing things and building stuff I really don't know why it just seems like more work to me lol but I really do like doing it I like going out sometimes and having a drink every now and then lol and somehow one time they got me to do karaoke and that was the worst because I sound like a def mule on crack just to be honest however when I'm at home or in a car listening to the radio If I like a song your probably going to suffer because I do tend to sing along sometimes lol I've been told that I'm a hopeless romantic and personally I don't think that's a bad thing but who knows ? um I do have children my oldest is in the air force and I have custody of my youngest daughter and she does live with me About 85% of the time and drives me totally nuts at least half the time but I wouldn't know what to do without her doing it but sometimes I wonder though lmao no just kidding! (Sort of) lol!I've been devorced for 4 years now and honestly I've never liked as they put it (playing the field) I've always been that person that just wants to be with one woman I want to be with someone and get to know everything I can about them and them to know me the same way I have no problems trying some new things especially if the woman I'm with enjoys it because almost anything can be fun and enjoyable it just depends on the company your in!
My Ideal Match:
I hope to find someone that is kind hearted, sweet, compassionate, loving but she's not afraid of letting someone know when she thinks something is wrong.and yes I'm a little shy sometimes so sometimes I give the impression that I'm not interested in someone when infact I'm way into them lol so Im hoping to find someone that is forward and not afraid of (pda) someone that is she likes you and wants to hold your hand or be held or even a kiss she's not afraid of just taking it actually that's sort of a turn on lol I'm sorry for that mind set but it's true so I'm leaving it in!!!??
But anyways if you want to know anything else about me or anything just ask I'm more than happy to answer any questions I hope I didn't sound to stupid in what I wrote down here but if anyone might be interested I would love to hear from and get to know each other better and see what happens ??