member offline MAS_Madness
41, San Francisco

member offline MAS_Madness: Hot Mess

41 year old Man, 5'5" (165 cm)
Woman, for Lets Hang Out / Chat / Friends
Body Type:
High school
Regular Smoker, Drinks Regularly, Drugs Sometimes
Match Summary:

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More Details:

Martial Status:
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Longest Relationship:
Over 7 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
3-4 Times Per Week
Has Children?
Want Children?
Has Pets?
No Pets
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Postal Zip Code Area:
94117, CA

About Me:

When one stops to consider ones online life as a whole, then chop some here and chop some there for any given life stages particulars, little more for eccentricities/moral scaffolding/and if-than no-nos still somehow clinging to the side that still makes eye contact.....and then assessing the world at large with the same but obviously less familiar clay at the spinnin' wheel and this website...I swear to god, is adorable and hilarious and another thousand years of crickets couldn't keep me from peeking every 4-6 months.

Relllaaaxxx folks. Can't b*tch about a dead site and then bounce.......if that's what everyone does....

You got it, I know you got it so I won't even bother acting like you don't got it.

If we are all just a little cooler than we otherwise would be we are gonna have a pretty bangin' a** world but if you don't feel like it, that is a perfectly good answer too and I won't hassle you.

Now who likes cute redheads

My Ideal Match:

Oh I'm looking for you but who you is you're going to have to enlighten me.

My Dating Discussions & Site Activity:

1 Forum Posts
  • MAS_Madness Dating Profile
    MAS_Madness San Francisco, California, USA
    Jun 23, 2020 6:50 PM GMT
    BiLol so its nothing nothing nothing nothing oh cool a bunch of insecure dipshit bigots wilding on some harmless question they have literally no grounds to answer.

    Oh wait are you guys trans? I don't wanna make assumptions and I think you should be proud and go heavy on the pronouns and dad bods and pinheaded two-whole-worlds-ago clenched up macho bullshit the dedication just shines.

    Only into MTF myself and no holes for bigots even twaxked to the 7th gender but really the important thing is to go f*ck yourselves. And make some goddamn eye contact.

    -straight c*ck sucking drug addict
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