Velvet1: Older retired widower living alone looking for FWB.

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About Me:
I moved to Boise because the cost of living was much less than in Alaska and my brother and his family live in the area. Also, seeing as how I am a disabled veteran, the VA health care facility here is one of the best in the nation. They provide for my health care. I am not wild about living in the city but the fact that I am close to the VA counts for a lot. I do not like the heat of the summers but that is just something I must adjust to. I love the beauty I have found in Idaho, especially in the mountains and the fact that there is a wide range of wildlife to observe here. I am pretty laid back and easy to get along with if I don't feel I am being manipulated, pushed, or controlled. I try not to make the lady have those perceptions as well.
My Ideal Match:
Interests / Keywords:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 34 years old and younger than 60 years old.
Sender must be located within 50 miles of this user.